Preamble ramble This is a big post for me, which is why it took so long to materialize. I can’t recall if I’ve ever commented on my writing process, but I typically pour out my posts in one fell swoop as soon as a theme enters my head. It has never taken a great deal of effort or time to record my thoughts, and I look forward to the moment inspiration strikes, always late-evening, well after the sun and our kids have gone to bed. I’d intended to do a post-rads update in February, sort of a “and that’s a wrap” summary of my active treatment phases. I eagerly awaited the moment when my mind would open up and release its inner goings on. Much to my dismay, February came and went and inspiration was nowhere in sight. I felt a multitude of words pressing on my brain, itching to escape, but a cloud as thick as mud kept pushing them back in. I knew something was amiss as my passion for writing had never before felt like work. ...
from kegels to chemo and beyond