Yesterday's treatment marks twelve under my belt in as many months; 24 injections in total, administered two at a time, in unison, by two nurses. What the actual Hello Kitty? Did a year of mBC treatments really just fly by? Some of you have asked me to describe what these treatments are like compared to the active treatment (chemo/surgery/radiation) I endured during my first go with this disease. To this I say, you cannot compare the two. They are two distinct courses of action based on two very different diagnoses. But the common denominators have been to prolong my life and maintain my quality of life by managing both my cancer and treatment-induced symptoms and side effects. To this end, they have both times been extraordinarily successful. So what does my monthly treatment entail exactly? Well, it's no more exciting than a routine vaccination I'm afraid, except it involves a return to the Cancer Centre (which I honestly don't mind doing, oddly). Perhaps less desira...
from kegels to chemo and beyond