Your eyes are likely scanning up to the post's title right about now. Go ahead, give it another read. Yes, that's the best, not the worst. Many feel that Cancer brings out the worst in people - and I can certainly see why - but I have observed first-hand that it really does bring out the best in people too. Conversation with my 4-yr old today: Me: "My oncologist told me yesterday that the chemo is working really well, and that the tumour is shrinking! Mom's cancer is going away!" My 4-yr old: "Yay! I'm so happy! Now, what about your tummy?" Me: <confused> "My tummy hurts sometimes, but that's normal." My 4-yr old: "No Mom, I mean, what is she doing about your big tummy? Can she make IT go away?" Me: <sigh> "Right, I'd forgotten all about my post-baby bulge. Thanks, sweetie. I'm afraid Mummy has to get rid of that herself". Many of you know that I took a huge leap last week...
from kegels to chemo and beyond